At Newman School, our pupils are entitled to the best possible education, care and environment. We expect the following practice to be seen throughout our school and maintain high expectations at all times.
Safeguarding |
- A friendly and welcoming ethos where pupils, staff and visitors are greeted warmly
- A caring and inclusive environment where everyone is listened to, including parents and other stakeholders
- Qualified and skilled staff who are up-to-date on required training and understand key documents, including the most recent Keeping Children Safe In Education publication.
- Concerns about their wellbeing being recorded on CPOMS – safeguarding concerns are reported with urgency to the site DSL
- A safe environment where health and safety concerns are reported and addressed
- Attendance is monitored, and registration is completed in Arbor by 9.30a.m and 1.30p.m.
- Staff being on time for duties and engaging with pupils, promoting communication and interaction
- Individual support plans which document key information, such as preferred learning support and behaviour approaches, are reviewed at least termly.
- Staff that adhere to and meet relevant standards and the Code of Conduct.
Independence |
- A well-planned and sequenced, ambitious curriculum that enthuses and enables students to make clear steps of progress towards their academic, life skills and EHCP targets.
- Clear expectations and boundaries for behaviour and conduct
- Clear learning objectives for lessons and evidence of learning displayed and/or collated neatly and sequentially by staff
- Opportunities to develop independence skills with a Preparation for Adulthood ‘Golden Thread’ embedded across the curriculum
- Quality feedback to make progress in their learning which is accurately assessed
- Opportunities to gain qualifications/awards
- Classrooms that are tidy and clutter-free, including wall displays and sides
- Resources are clearly labelled and students know how/when to access them
- Access to high-quality learning resources
- Differentiation and reasonable adjustments, including from external providers, to allow equal access to the curriculum
Communication |
Communication is valued by all
- Means and opportunities to communicate embedded throughout the school day
- Adults to use language and behaviours that models positive communication
- All staff follow a ‘one-voice’ approach for a positive, autism-friendly learning environment
- Various modes of communication are always accessible to students who need them, such as PECS books and communication devices.
- Verbal and written feedback, given in line with the feedback procedure
- Processing time and a range of question and answer techniques
- Lessons and a whole school reading culture to support reading at all levels
Resilience |
- Access to a multisensory, engaging curriculum
- Opportunities to take risks and solve problems
- Support for medical and physical needs from staff that are appropriately trained
- Staff who model self-awareness, mindfulness, self-care, positive relationships and purpose
- A broad and balanced curriculum and culture, inclusive of lessons that focus on managing mental health, relationships and wellbeing
- Enrichment activities and extracurricular opportunities
- Access to appropriate professionals from outside agencies as part of a holistic offer