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Part of TEAM Education Trust

  • Together Everyone Achieves More

    Curriculum Overview

    Our curriculum is designed around age related expectations with the understanding that each pupil will have unique starting and destination points. It is split into three separate curriculums, those being the experience curriculum (for pupils working at the level of the Engagement Model), the explore curriculum for pupils working at the level of pre-key stage standards and the investigate curriculum (Wilson Stuart P step 9 and above, as well as Pre Key Stage 5 and 6 and the National Curriculum Yearly/Key Stage objectives). Within these curricula there are seven areas of learning which encompass all National Curriculum Subjects, those being;

    • Communication and Language,
    • Cognition and Thinking,
    • Knowledge and Understanding of the World,
    • Expressive Arts,
    • Orientation, Motor and Mobility,
    • Social and Emotional and
    • Working towards Adulthood

    Our curriculum is reviewed annually to ensure it meets the needs of our students, as we aim to ensure that we create opportunities for everyone to achieve success and reach their potential, and ultimately be as independent as possible, so that they are as well prepared as possible for the next stage of their life.

    The Experience Curriculum

    The experience curriculum is for students with profound and complex needs who need a very special multi-sensory approach to their learning, and one which will take into account the interaction between sensory impairments, motor disabilities and medical problems.  The experience curriculum is one that takes a more holistic view of learners and focuses on how they learn, it is ultimately a curriculum that:

    • Is designed to meet the needs of students through a personalised approach
    • Focusses on the early communication, social and emotional, and cognitive skills that are the foundation of learning
    • Recognises the importance of movement and social interaction in a student’s development and the need for sensory and multi-sensory approaches to learning
    • Recognises the importance of development the five areas of engagement which are pre-requisites to subject specific learning and
    • Identifies and supports emerging skills, knowledge and understanding
    • Is statutorily assessed using the engagement model at KS1 and KS2.
    The Explore Curriculum

    The structure and underlying principles of the explore curriculum support the progress and development of students across the school where students are functioning at a level below the requirements of the National Curriculum, but above the requirements of an experience curriculum. These are the students that will be assessed against the pre-key stage standards at the end of Year 2 and 6 in Reading, Writing and Maths.

    This approach encompasses the development of thinking skills, creative learning and movement and is designed to be developmentally appropriate. It enables all students to take part in activities that are engaging and meaningful to them, whilst providing them with relevant and challenging goals. This curriculum also acknowledges that there will be a need for specialist provision such as hydrotherapy, rebound therapy and sensory approaches to learning.

    The Investigate Curriculum

    The structure and underlying principles of the investigate curriculum support the progress and development of students across the school where students are functioning at, at least Year 1 objectives. The investigate curriculum is delivered through the National Curriculum, which sets out Programmes of Study that detail the content that should be taught in each subject. Once students reach KS4 and KS5 these subjects are then offered at accreditation level.

    Our Curriculum Intent

    To have prepared our students for the future and their career aspirations by helping them to develop a range of employability skills as well as resilience and perseverance in an ever-changing world

    How the curriculum is delivered

    The curriculum is taught using a number of different methods including immersive environments, exploring and investigating, play, teacher/pupil led activities, role play, trips and visits, discussion, question and answer activities, written tasks, the use of intensive interaction, the use of PECs, TEACCH, review of learning sessions, theme events and weeks, intervention sessions, daily phonics sessions, Active Maths & English sessions and reading for pleasure sessions. 

    Curriculum Impact 

    As a result of the curriculum we deliver, our students continue to develop academically, personally and holistically.

    Careers Education/Employability

    A careers programme has been developed in Secondary to cover The Gatsby Benchmarks to support access to work related learning and practical work experience. This is linked into the wider enterprising work and Talentino’s curriculum we also utilise following staff training.

    Key Stage 4 & 5 Accreditation Options

    In Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils are given the opportunity to gain accreditation, this can be in the form of AQA unit Award, ASDAN Transition Challenge, AIM Functional Skills and the Arts Award for example. Also Key Stage 4 and 5 students are given the opportunity to gain accreditation in AQA, GCSE Art.