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Part of TEAM Education Trust

British Values

At Newman, as well as our core values underpinning the curriculum (Communication, Independence and Resilience), we also strive to create a culture that celebrates and promotes fundamental British values while challenging notions that go against these principles. We expect all stakeholders in school, inclusive of parents, the governing body, staff and students, to adhere to these values and will challenge views that are contrary, including extremism. 


Democracy plays an important role at Newman and is evidenced throughout the day when pupils may vote for preferred activities, books or games. Our Student Counsellors are elected democratically following a vote and during changes in recent history, including general elections, we have promoted the understanding of democracy through exploring these political periods.

The Rule of Law

A fundamental part of life at Newman includes the Rule of Law and supporting our learners in developing their understanding of its importance in their wider communities. All pupils are encouraged to follow the school rules as well, creating and agreeing upon class rules. These expectations are upheld by the behaviour policy we have in place. All our staff have had regular safeguarding training and recent training on behaviour management.  Our full complement of staff follows the school’s behaviour policy to enable students to feel safe at school and understand our expectations of them.  We explore rules in different contexts too, such as learning about e-safety and through the NSPCC scheme of learning, “Speak Out Stay Safe”.  Within PSHE and circle time sessions, the rule of law is further explored.

Individual Liberty

Access to a robust communication system and being empowered to have and use their voice is a core attitude underpinning every stage of the curriculum. We actively encourage our learners to have their own views and opinions and seek these in a variety of ways, including: debates, discussions, circle times, surveys, choices and objects of reference. Assemblies celebrate both learning achievements and life-long learners, where children bring and share their successes in a wide variety of areas, such as performing arts or other outside interests. We celebrate the languages and cultures of our pupils during our special days or weeks across the academic year, including Black History Month, LGBT+ History Month and during festivals such as Christmas and Diwali. 

Mutual Tolerance & Respect

We celebrate the diversity of our society by a variety of different means, including special days and festivals such as Easter or Eid, through discrete RE lessons and through encouraging personal reflection which may link to a personal faith or belief system. At Newman, we encourage spirituality through mediation, reflection and respecting the world in which we inhabit.